the Kitchen
a great love story
It is our great pleasure to be able to interpret the territory in which we live, using and enhancing local products.
We only offer tasting menus to express our cuisine.
It is our great pleasure to be able to interpret the territory in which we live, using and enhancing local products.
We only offer tasting menus to express our cuisine.
Crema di funghi, anice stellato e dragoncello
Tartelletta di coniglio e finocchietto
Topinambur e brodo profumato alla liquirizia e whisky
Porro, rosa canina e aglio dolce
Cavolfiore alla brace con salsa di cavolo fermentato
Pan brioche e burro
Cannolo di anguilla mantecata
Trota salmonata, licheni e brodo di anguilla
Tagliolini, semi di girasole e uova di trota
Duck cappelletti in broth
Cervo, corniolo e senapi
Lemon sorbet and liquorice
Composta di ciliegie, mascarpone e aneto
€ 90,00
paired wine tasting €60
Agnolotti with butter and sage, breaded veal steak and potatoes, ice cream
€ 25,00
Acque Lurisia, Sparea, San Bernardo, Panna, San Pellegrino, Perrier € 5
Coperto e servizio € 7
Please communicate any allergies or intolerances.
We also point out that some products are treated with rapid temperature reduction (pursuant to EC Regulation No. 852/04).